The government is preparing to have a system to block internet content

The government has begun the process of setting up a system to block Internet content. The Telecommunications Authority of Nepal, the regulatory body of the telecommunications sector, is about to purchase an integrated system for automatic content filtering and URL blocking. The NEA board has already sent permission to the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology to purchase the system.

NEA spokesperson Min Prasad Aryal said that the ministry has been sent to the annual program to procure the necessary system to stop the illegal content using the network of internet service providers. "Once that agreement is reached, the work will move forward," he said.

The government has expedited the process by making the purchase of this technology a high priority. The work has been expedited by preparing a tender report by mid-Kartik, selecting suppliers and concluding an agreement. The government is preparing to implement it by mid-February.

According to sources, the government is going to spend more than one billion rupees for this system. NEA will then filter or block the content of the Internet under the direction of the government using the network of telecommunication service providers. However, there is a lack of law on what content can and cannot be disseminated, says Taranath Dahal, chairman of the Freedom Forum.

The government can only block content by making laws. "However, it is not possible to make laws against the constitution," Dahal said.

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